Welcome to 
Gold Star Careers

Guidance For All 

Based in County Laois, Gold Star Careers is dedicated to providing accessible and personalised career guidance and support for clients of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.

Whether you are a student, graduate, job-seeker, or someone looking to change career paths, our expert advice and support are tailored to help you achieve your goals.

We believe in empowering individuals at every stage of their journey, offering professional guidance that's within reach for all.

 Let Gold StarCareers help you discover your true potential and build a bright, fulfilling future!

About Martina

I’m Martina Mulhall, founder of Gold Star Careers.

I’m passionate about providing support and guidance for all those making career decisions – all ages, all abilities, all backgrounds. I am a qualified guidance counsellor (DCU) mediator (Griffith College),  and former primary school teacher, deputy principal and special needs co-ordinator. In other words I’ve been guiding people all my life in one form or another.

I am a qualified member of various professional bodies including the Institute of Guidance Counsellors, The Teaching Council, the British Psychological Society and I am fully Garda vetted.

 A peace commissioner is one of my roles.

I am also careers correspondent for Laois Today.

Services Provided by Gold Star Careers

My approach

I firmly believe that the career-question’s answer is always in the client themselves, but sometimes it can be deeply buried due to lack of self-awareness, self-confidence or self-belief. Or sometimes the issue is lack of career-knowledge.

With clients I use a three-stage approach leading them to:

  • Get to know themselves better
  • Explore what career opportunities might best fit their interests, aptitudes and values
  • Plan and set goals to get at those opportunities

I love connecting  with people, developing trust and putting them at ease, and having a bit of fun along the way too!

Who I work with

I work with people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds, who are making career decisions, from 6th class students choosing subjects for secondary school to retirees seeking new opportunities.

How I work

I provide one-off sessions, or a series of sessions for individuals and small groups, which can be in-person or online.  

Check out my social media channels and my Laois Today articles for up to date content. 

All Are Welcome

I work with people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds who are making career decisions, from students at primary, secondary and third level to graduates, to those returning to work, seeking a career change, promotion or new opportunity.  

Clients seek support for:

  • Choosing subjects for junior cycle, senior cycle, or third level modules
  • Choosing post-school pathways - college courses, CAO, PLC course, tertiary course, apprenticeships, traineeship or employment.
  • Mature student applications.
  • Access routes to third level education and supports such as DARE, HEAR, SUSI grants, bursaries, scholarships.
  • Studying in Northern Ireland or abroad.
  • Study skills and goal setting.
  • Psychometric testing.
  • Graduate pathways to employment, graduate programmes or post-grad courses.  
  • Returning to work.
  • Seeking career change.
  • Seeking promotion.
  • Retirees seeking further career opportunities.

"Martina Mulhall is an excellent career guidance counsellor whom I am proud to recommend. As someone who lacked direction and uncertainty regarding their future and career options, I can honestly say that my time spent with Martina was incredibly impactful. From our first meeting Martina’s warm and approachable manner made it easy for me to express my aspirations and discuss my uncertainties without fearing judgement.

Her comprehensive understanding of various colleges and courses in Ireland and abroad tailored to my interests enabled me to make informed decisions about my educational path. Martina’s assistance was pivotal when submitting applications for master’s degrees. She helped me refine my CV, write engaging application forms, connect with valuable contacts in my chosen area, all while instilling the self-confidence needed to present my best self in interviews.

Most of all Martina’s continued follow-up, once successful in attaining my chosen educational path in a master's for primary school teaching, ensured I remained focused and confident in my decision. I wholeheartedly recommend Martina to anyone who finds themselves at a crossroads and seeking professional guidance. Her expertise and genuine care make her an invaluable asset to anyone seeking professional guidance."
- Emily, post-grad student

I am a leaving cert student in Portlaoise CBS and when I first went to Martina I did not know what I wanted to do once I finished school. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to go to college. Martina helped me understand what my strengths and weaknesses are when it comes to different careers. After doing 3 very helpful sessions with Martina, I now understand how the CAO system works and have a plan for my future. I now hope to attend UL which at first I thought was not in my points range but Martina showed me different courses that I can do. I now know what subjects I need to focus on and what grade I need to achieve in them. I am now more motivated to study hard to achieve my goals and I am extremely grateful for Martina’s help. I am now looking forward to pursuing a career in the years to come.

- Cathal, 6th year student

"We would highly recommend Martina. She was so knowledgeable in all areas of 3rd level education. Very easy to talk to and brilliant at reassuring your son/daughter regarding their big decisions in life. My son came away from session feeling very confident."

- Michelle, parent of Leaving Cert student

"Martina was brilliant. I hadn't a clue what I wanted to do after school, other than play sport!
Thanks to her support I'm now at college doing a course I love and on a full sports scholarship too! It definitely wouldn't have happened without her!!"

- Eoin, third level student

"There is not enough praise I could give Martina. The work she does is amazing. I had applied for special needs assistant jobs and got interviews but never got any further than an interview because I didn’t have the experience or the right words to say to get myself the job I really wanted. With Martina’s help she gave me the right guidance for my interview prep, which gave me so much confidence going into the interview. I couldn’t recommend Martina enough."

- Sarah, job applicant

As a Mother of a Leaving Cert student I am very grateful to you Martina for opening up a world of Career/CAO information to my Son. He was confused by the whole process and had no idea what he would like to do after leaving school. Following from his very informative sessions with you he is now more focused and has clearer idea of his career path. You have given him the tools to explore career options going forward as well. My son found Martina extremely professional, informative and encouraging and enjoyed the sessions with you. Thank you."

 - Mary, mother of Leaving Cert student

Contact us

Martina Mulhall, Gold Star Careers
E-mail address: